Climb for Education: Yemi Osindero climbs Mountain Kilimanjaro, the 4th largest mountain in the world to support the NHEF.

On Tuesday, 9th January 2024, Yemi Osindero sets out to begin the year with a grand expedition of climbing the mountain Kilimanjaro.

The Nigeria Higher Education Foundation’s mission to advance education for Nigerian scholars and universities underscores the
significance of investing in the next generation of leaders, innovators, and changemakers. By providing educational
opportunities and resources, the foundation is contributing to the empowerment of individuals and the overall advancement of the country’s academic landscape.

Yemi Osindero’s climb catalyzes dialogue and action, inviting individuals and organizations to join forces in addressing the educational needs in Nigeria and beyond. It serves as a call to action for collective efforts to foster equitable access to education, nurturing academic excellence, and bolstering the infrastructure and resources of educational institutions.

At its core, Osindero’s climb for education embodies the spirit of empathy, solidarity, and global citizenship. In conclusion, Yemi
Osindero’s decision to climb the 4th largest mountain in the world to support the Nigeria Higher Education Foundation’s mission of advancing education for Nigerian scholars and universities serves as a symbol of hope, resilience, and solidarity, resonating with the aspirations of individuals striving for educational opportunities and contributing to the advancement of society as a whole.

Click here to join the campaign on GoFundMe.

The Nigeria Higher Education Foundation (NHEF) is a 501(c)(3) organization. To comply with the IRS requirements regarding charitable donations, we affirm that no goods or services have been provided to you, in whole or in part, in consideration of your contribution. Our Tax ID number is 20-1507726.


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